Dream it and it will come!
Many ask me questions like: how did you do 11 Ironman races…while working full time?
How did you start your own company at age 50?
And the list goes on.
FIRST STEP: Have a Vision of where you want to be, what you want, what you want to be!
Write it down, visualize it.
One of the most powerful tools in racing long distance races is visually thinking through the last few minutes as you come around the bend, arms in the air, crowd going nuts and then crossing that finish line hearing your name! What a rush!
The hours and hours of training get easier when you vision that end result…that rush of the finish line of a really long, hard race.
This visioning is so powerful, it actually changes the composition and state of your physical body! I get tears and goose bumps. And I get re-energized to dig deeper!
So if I’m in a funk or having a hard time during training or a race, I’d take my mind to that finish line and Boom!
SAME for Business: What is your Vision? Write it, See it, Feel it, Pursue it!
This is OUR Vision at The Better Chocolate:
⇒ Being on Endcaps around the country! Store after Store after Store
Our beautiful and delicious Functional Chocolates with Benefits.
Pure Bean-to-Bar, Fair Trade, Pure dark chocolate and milk chocolate inside…infused with protein, fibre, vitamins, supplements and MCT oil.
Sending our messages about Sustainability, Fair Trade, Bean-to-Bar and that Chocolate and Healthier can co-exist!
The World’s Best Tasting Chocolate Just Got Healthier!
Dream on!
Then make it happen!! 💕
*PS.. yes this is photoshop…